Test Video Post
Popular instructional videos have such different styles, and there is no consensus in research about how to make the most effective instructional videos [§18]. Videos can differ in whether or not we can see the instructor [PRODUCTION: Please link to post “Presence — Seeing the Instructor”.], presenting text as spoken and/or printed [PRODUCTION: Please link to post “Written Versus Spoken Words”.], and the overall layout. Sometimes, the layout is dependent on the topic. Math courses often have worked examples [PRODUCTION: Please link to post “Worked Examples”.], and topics in the humanities may be presented as narratives. Table 1 is a non-exhaustive list of videos from well-received YouTube channels. [PRODUCTION: Please embed the videos into this blog post.]
TABLE 1. Examples of educational videos from popular YouTube channels.
Characteristics of the video
“Free Trade vs. Protectionism” (6 min 18 s) by Professor Dave explains:
- Narration is combined with cartoons and video clips for visual interest.
- Instructor is not visible.
- Key words are spoken and printed.
Characteristics of the video
“IR Spectroscopy” (9 min 47 s) by Professor Dave Explains
- Classroom-style whiteboard lecture.
- Instructor is visible.